Loretta Lynn heeft de release van het album “Wouldn’t It Be Great” uitgesteld van 18 augustus tot volgend jaar. De 85-jarige Loretta, die afgelopen mei een beroerte kreeg, wil ermee wachten totdat ze weeer op toernee kan om het nieuwe album te promoten.
Op het album, dat geproduceerd is door dochter Patsy Lynn Russell en John Carter Cash, staat nieuw materiaal evenals eerder uitgebrachte songs.
“I now want to wait to release it next year because this record is so special for me,” she said. “It deserves me at my best and I can’t wait to share it. I want to thank everyone for hanging in there with me. I am getting stronger every day and can’t wait to get back out there with all of you. I’m just letting everybody know that Willie ain’t dead yet and neither am I, and I can’t wait to see all of you on the road!”
Lynn also said, “Thank you so much for all of your prayers, love, and support. I’m happy to say that I’m at home with my family and getting better by the day! My main focus now is making a full recovery so that I can get back to putting all of me into what I love, sharing my music with all of you.”