Kenny Chesney brengt op vrijdag 6 april de single “Get Along” uit. De song is geschreven door Shane McAnally, Ross Copperman en Josh Osborne en is de 1e single van Kenny’s nog uit te brengen 17e studio album dat de opvolger wordt van “Live In No Shoes Nation”.
Kenny hoopt dat het positieve thema van het lied mensen zal helpen om een gemeenschappelijke basis te vinden in tijden van verdeeldheid.
“Some days, it’s like the world is just angry, screaming people, [who are] all harping on what’s wrong, how other people are awful,” says Kenny. “The more I move around, talking to people, though, the more I know people are seeking the same things, working hard to get by and hoping for the best for their family and friends. It’s simple, but we keep getting driven apart—and made unhappy. When I heard this song, beyond how good the rhythm felt, I was amazed how simply they broke all this stuff down. Get along . . . find the common ground . . . know the basic stuff is where the joy, the love, the happiness is.”