Brett Young gaat met zijn 2020 Chapters Tour van 30 januari t/m 9 mei op toernee en geeft in totaal 30 optredens. De openingsact komt voor rekening van Matt Ferranti.
“I’m so excited about the Chapters Tour for so many reasons,” Young says in a press release. “Being in a position to continue to headline even bigger shows is an honor and humbling, and I can’t wait to show our fans what we’ve been working on for them. They’re definitely in for some surprises!”
Cole Swindell heeft voor 2020 de Down To Earth Tour in zijn agenda staan die op 5 maart van start gaat en op 17 april wordt afgesloten. In het voorprogramma staan Hardy en Trea Landon.
“I have had such an amazing year in so many ways. I never think each year can top the previous, but it does,” Swindell reflects in a press release. “I’m so fired up for 2020 to get back out there with two new artists whose music I just love and am really excited about … The fans better get ready because this tour is for them!”