Van The Oak Ridge Boys, Joe Bonsall, Duane Allen, William Lee Golden en Richard Sterban, wordt dit najaar een nieuw kerstalbum uitgebracht als opvolger van “Celebrate Christmas” uit 2016. Daarnaast heeft het viertal het plan om volgend jaar een album met klassiekers en evergreens uit te brengen. Beide albums worden geproduceerd door Dave Cobb.
“The first is a new Christmas album, which will be released in time for our fall Christmas tour,” says Duane. “A few months later, we will release a classics and standards album with the attitude of singing together on the front porch.”
“Dave Cobb has the unique ability to record in a raw, honest, almost retro way that sounds fresh,” says Duane. “Part of our last album with Dave [17th Avenue Revival] was recorded around one microphone with Dave playing acoustic guitar about six feet away. He told us that he wanted us to sing ‘together,’ and listen to, and watch, each other. The result was pure magic, and we wound up recording the entire album with that same attitude.”