Dolly Parton fans in Tennessee kunnen nu duidelijk kenbaar maken dat ze Dolly fans zijn.
Automobilisten die geregistreerd staan in Tennessee, kunnen nu via Dolly’s Imagination Library website speciale nummerplaten bestellen met daarop een portret van Dolly. De speciale editie van Dolly’s nummerborden kost $ 35 waarvan ruim $ 15 naar Dolly’s Imagination Library gaat.
Sinds 1995 voorziet de Imagination Library kinderen in de hele wereld van gratis boeken.
“That’s one of the things I’m proudest of, of anything I’ve ever done,” the artist admits. “You can’t educate enough children”.
“A lot of that came from the fact that a lot of my own relatives didn’t get to go to school because we were mountain people. You have to get out and work and help feed the family,” Parton adds. “My own dad couldn’t read and write. And my dad was very proud of me. He got to live long enough to see the Imagination Library do well, so he felt like he had done something good too — that he was the inspiration for it.”