Van Carly Pearce is vanaf 13 oktober het album “Every Little Thing” verkrijgbaar.
Op het album staan 13 songs waarvan er 8 zijn medegeschreven door Carly waaronder haar huidige single “Every Little Thing”.
“I wrote this song from a very personal place of a heartbreak that I experienced and never really thought anybody was going to hear it,” said Carly. “I certainly didn’t think that it was going to be something that would be my debut into the country genre. I thought that maybe my fans would have to buy into me a little bit to understand the artistic side of this song. I joke and say I’ve put out a lot of songs and been a part of a lot of things, but this song, as soon as it came out, it felt like it had its own wings and it was kind of out of my control.”
- Hide The Wine
- Careless
- Every Little Thing
- Everybody Gonna Talk
- Catch Fire
- If My Name Was Whiskey
- Color
- I Need A Ride Hom
- Doin’ It Right
- Feel Somethin’
- You Know Where To Find Me
- Honeysuckle
- Dare Ya